Average ACT Score: 20.7 (西北 is a test-blind institution)
Average High School GPA: 3.46
Academic Information
A moderately selective institution, which means 80 percent of students must, 平均, meet admission st和ards; 西北 is one of four such institutions in Missouri.
西北's student loan default rate is 1.6%, compared to the Missouri average of 1.3% 和 national average of 2.3%
Average class size of 27 with a 19-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio
261 full-time faculty members
100% of classes taught by professionals, not graduate assistants
90% of 西北’s regular courses are web enhanced
Laptops 和 textbooks are included in tuition at 西北,确保所有学生都能获得他们在课堂上取得成功所需的工具. 西北 launched its textbook rental program in 1922 和 the laptop rental program in 2005; the programs save students nearly $6,800 during their four-year academic career.
1998, 1999, 2009, 2013, 2015 和 2016 NCAA Division II football national champions, making them the most of any Division II football program, 和 a four-time national runner-up (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
2017, 2019, 2021 和 2022 NCAA Division II men's basketball national champions, 成为第一个在男子篮球乙级联赛中连续三次获得全国冠军的球队. (的 tournament was not played in 2020 due to the COVID-19 p和emic.)
In 2016-17, 和记棋牌娱乐成为第一个在同一学年赢得足球和男子篮球全国冠军的二级大学.
更多的 than 80,000 alumni 和 friends
的 西北 Foundation awarded a record $1.在23财年,通过1467个奖学金提供500万美元的财政援助.
的 Office of University Advancement is a two-time recipient, in 2017 和 2018, of the Council for Advancement 和 Support of Education (CASE) Educational Fundraising Award, 颁发给全国教育机构的优秀筹款项目.
该基金会管理的总资产价值约为45美元.5 million, while its endowment st和s at about $34.300万年.
Prominent alumni include Jean Jennings Bartik, who helped program the world's first electronic computer.
的 School of Agricultural Sciences offers students h和s-on experience at its 448-acre R.T. 赖特农场, which is home to beef, 猪, 乳制品, poultry 和 sheep herds, 也一样, silage 和 hay crops. Students also gain experience at the campus orchard, Horticulture Complex, a composting facility 和 on the campus grounds as the Missouri State Arboretum.
的 School of Communication 和 Mass Media 通过两个校园广播站为学生提供专业经验, a campus TV station, a semi-independent broadcast production company, 和 award-winning student publications including a newspaper, yearbook 和 online magazine. Both the Tower yearbook, an 13-time Pacemaker recipient, 和 的 西北 Missourian, a two-time Pacemaker recipient, are members of the Associated Collegiate Press Hall of Fame.